19-Year-Old Arrested for Planning to “Seize Power” After Crashing U-Haul Near White House
19-Year-Old Arrested After Crashing U-Haul Near White House Planned to Seize Power
What happened?
- 19-year-old Sai Varshith Kandula was arrested after crashing a U-Haul truck into a security barrier near the White House.
- He reportedly told officials that he had a plan to “seize power” from the government.
- Kandula appeared in court for the first time after the incident.
What was Kandula’s motive?
According to reports, Kandula had delusions of grandeur and believed that he was destined for greatness. He reportedly told officials that he had a plan to “seize power” from the government and that crashing the U-Haul near the White House was part of that plan.
What happens next?
Kandula is being held without bail and has been ordered to undergo a competency evaluation to determine if he is fit to stand trial. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison.
Hot take:
It’s concerning to see a young person with such extreme delusions and a desire for power. Hopefully, Kandula can receive the help he needs to address his mental health issues and get his life back on track.
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