9 Mac Automation Apps to Simplify Your Life
9 Mac Automation Apps that Will Make Your Life Easier
- Your Mac is a powerful machine that can handle your work, but it’s also capable of taking on repetitive tasks that you don’t have time for.
- Mac automation apps can make your life easier by handling everything from scheduling to file organizing and more.
1. Hazel
- Hazel will organize and clean up your files on the fly automatically.
- It can take folders and sort contents by name, date, and other criteria or even rename them and send them to specific folders.
2. TextExpander
- Expand abbreviations into words, phrases, or paragraphs, taking care of your tasks with just a few keystrokes.
- You can create custom abbreviations for commonly used words and phrases and speed up your typing.
3. Keyboard Maestro
- Automate almost any task on your Mac with this app.
- You can create macros that execute a sequence of keystrokes and mouse actions with the click of a mouse.
4. iKey
- iKey is a simple automation app that helps you manage your multitasking during the workday.
- You can use it to automate any task requiring a keystroke or mouse click.
5. Alfred
- Alfred is a time-saving app that helps you launch apps, find files and search the web in seconds.
- You can launch any app on your Mac and send quick emails with their built-in email sender.
6. Automator
- Automator is built into Mac OS X, then Automator might be the Mac automation app you need.
- You can create workflows that can execute simple or complex tasks with drag-and-drop simplicity.
7. Yoink
- Yoink makes the process of dragging and dropping files between windows easier.
- Just drag and press F5 to quickly consolidate all file you want to move or copy between directories.
8. Doxie
- Doxie helps automate paper clutter, scanning, and organization.
- It’s a complete document scanner in your Mac that digitizes receipts, bills, and even photos.
9. Timing
- If you work by the hour, you understand the importance of tracking time spent on different tasks.
- Timing helps you track billable hours automatically.
Closing Thoughts
- With these Mac automation apps, you can have many of your routine tasks handled for you, so you can focus on what you’re good at.
- These apps make your increasingly busy work-life easier and more productive.
Author’s Hot Take: Automating tasks when possible adds an element of intrigue and slickness that would be impossible by hand. Mac OS X makes the process so much easier than you’d think, and these apps will make you wonder how you ever got anything done without them. Try them today!
Original article:https://lifehacker.com/9-apps-that-can-automate-almost-everything-on-your-mac-1850460688