
Could You Safely Land A Plane In An Emergency? Separating Fact from Fiction

“Could You Safely Land A Plane In An Emergency?”

Key Points:

  • A recent YouGov poll reveals that one-third of Americans think they could safely land a commercial aircraft in case of an emergency.
  • Men seem more confident than women in their ability to land a plane, with 50% of men saying they could do it.
  • In reality, safely landing a plane requires extensive training, experience and skill that cannot be learned on the fly.
  • Even if air traffic control is available to assist, it’s highly unlikely that an untrained individual could successfully land a plane without putting themselves and others in danger.

“Hot Take”:

While it’s always good to have confidence in oneself, thinking you could safely land a commercial plane without any training or experience is simply delusional. In case of an emergency, it’s best to leave the flying to the professionals and leave the heroics for the movies.

Original article:https://lifehacker.com/you-couldnt-land-a-plane-in-an-emergency-but-you-could-1850463715

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