“Miami school under fire for banning Amanda Gorman’s book based on her inauguration poem”

Miami school banned Amanda Gorman’s book based on her poem.

Key Points:

  • Amanda Gorman’s book ‘The Hill We Climb’ has caused controversy at a Miami-Dade school
  • The book is based on her poem she recited at President Joe Biden’s inauguration
  • The school banned younger readers from accessing the poem

The hot take:

It’s disheartening to see a powerful and inspiring literary figure like Amanda Gorman facing censorship from a Miami school. Her poem was praised and listened to by millions around the world during the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Denying younger students access to her poem is nothing short of a disgrace that goes against the very idea of education and knowledge. We hope this school will reconsider their decision and promote, not restrict, freedom of thought and expression in their students.

Original article:https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily?geo=US#The%20Hill%20We%20Climb

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